Izobrulo Art Vortex
(concept prototype)
This sculpture marks the beginning of a series of artworks designed with a focus on shape, feeling, and visual perception, rather than serving as a base for light sources, as has been common in Izobrulo artworks for the past five years.

The initial intent was to explore capabilities and research shapes that could be described as flames or vortexes. During the draft design and form-finding stages, multiple shapes were explored. One of the main insights was that wireframe-like objects lack a primary view due to the merging of foreground and background planes into a single flat image.

A 3D shape, with different characteristics from different angles, needs to be rotated to achieve full visual presence, perception, and an immersive experience. Rotation can be achieved through two approaches: the first involves moving the viewer around the sculpture, with the best option being a roundabout.
The second option is to make the sculpture itself spin, which is how the entire process ultimately unfolded.

However, besides the creative goal of providing a complete sculpture experience, other goals emerged. Considering that this is a permanent sculpture, it should be made of durable materials. Our choice is metal, with tubes made of stainless steel and connectors casted from aluminum.
The spinning of the sculpture revealed that shiny metal could generate reflection patterns during movement, an effect impossible to achieve with viewer movement instead of sculpture movement.